
How Many Diapers Do Daycare Worker Change A Day

Net Praises 'Off the Clock' Daycare Worker Who Refused Diaper Change

According to the U.Due south. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in May of 2020, there were 254,000 people who worked in a childcare setting. The internet has recently come up to the defense of a daycare employee who refused to change a child's diaper while they were not working.

Taken to Reddit'due south popular "AmITheA**hole" forum, a adult female who goes by the username u/Commercial_Object941 described her encounter with one of the mothers of a child she looks later at work. The Reddit user believes she could exist the a**hole afterward refusing to change her child's diaper while "off the clock." The postal service has 10,000 upvotes with over i,000 comments.

After being invited to a friend's charcoal-broil, u/Commercial_Object941 realized that one of the children she looks after at the daycare was there with family. The female parent then asked the OP (Original Affiche) if she could quickly alter her kid's diaper. Confused, the OP politely declined saying she was "off the clock."

The female parent explained that her husband usually has diaper changing duty because she'due south a germaphobe with a fearfulness of getting ill due to an incident that happened prior. Nonetheless, the daycare worker said no.

"She seemed really shocked by this and continued to explicate how much she hates changing diapers and how her husband wasn't hither so he couldn't help," the Reddit user explained.

"I just told her that I don't like changing them either and I recollect it'south inappropriate for her to go along pushing this when I have already told her no. She then said 'information technology's devastating to me to learn my daughter'southward favorite teacher has and then little empathy' and after that I just walked abroad."

When she saw the female parent and child get out the party, the OP texted her boss to tell her what happened simply in instance there was a discussion at the daycare.

"My dominate just told me that I could tell her about it in more item when I get back [from holiday] and she'd let me know if the mom said anything to her only it seemed like I was in the correct in saying no," she wrote. "I am non her employee and even if I was I notwithstanding recall that's not something you should ask someone to practice outside of work hours."

In contempo updates fabricated to the mail service, the OP addressed concerns some had concerning whether CPS became involved, to which OP said she didn't.

Commenters were quick to defend the Reddit user.

"'Hullo, I know you're off today and we're both guests at this party, only since you work at subway, tin you make me a sandwich?' This is about how ridiculous she sounds—ignoring the fact that she shouldn't exist alone with her baby if she can't properly care for her," u/Lakesiren wrote, receiving the elevation comment with 16,000 upvotes.

"Ew," u/Nay_nay267 added. "If the mother is a germaphobe and has emetophobia, why did she accept kids? My annotate was to point that she is using those as an excuse to abuse her kid and not change their diaper, making them wallow in their own filth."

"You don't work for free," u/Tinabird20 said. "What was her plan if y'all weren't there? Just not change the diaper?. Maybe she's beingness dramatic maybe she's got an actual mental event. Only, she decided to have a child and it her responsibility to figure out how to care for that child. Non expect you to work on your fourth dimension off."

Changing a diaper
A Reddit user asked the "AmITheA**pigsty" community if she was in the wrong for not changing a child's diaper when she was "off the clock." romrodinka/iStock / Getty Images Plus


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