
Based On This Excerpt, How Had Rowlandson's Perspective Of Her Captors Changed?

Jade is a graduate of Aberdeen University in Philosophy, Anthropology and Teaching.


Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Mary Rowlandson's captivity narrative describes her experience as a captive of the Native Americans during the King Philips War in 1676. Her diary accounts for her capture to her return, although written a few years post her release. Her capture spanned effectually 11 weeks and is recounted in 20 'removes'. Specifically, Rowlandson observes her feel in relation to God and the bible, her capture beingness expressed every bit a trial from God which she must endure with religion; merely in doing and then would she survive and remain a true Christian adult female suitable for Puritan society. It is through this Christian perspective that she judges the Native Americans, creating an obvious bias confronting their culture.

Purpose of her Writing

Mary Rowlandson wrote her story with the intention of having other's read information technology, including those around her. Given this her narrative can be understood in terms of how she would wish to represent herself and her captivity to those readers, and and so not wholly understood as a completely authentic account. Rowlandson was a respected woman within Puritan society and as such would be expected to represent all that was customary of fine Christian women. Therefore, whatsoever account of her capture which seemed opposite to conventional beliefs could run a risk her condition and respectability. Toulouse argues that Rowlandson would be competing for status in the new social setting as a result of the state of war(1992:667). The motivation for publishing her account seems to have been to promote the puritan belief that God is the active agent who punishes and saves Christian believers (Scarbrough 2011:124). Hence, her freedom to voice her own opinion was greatly restricted by both social expectations and for the sake of endorsing the good of Christianity. Her account would not accept been published had it wavered from her faith, any suffering had to be understood to have come from God and to accept been endurable to the betoken of justifiable. Continual references depict the good of God allowing for her capture; 'information technology was piece of cake for me to come across how righteous information technology was with God to cut off the thread of my life and bandage me out of His presence forever. Yet the Lord however showed mercy to me'(Rowlandson 2009). Even in the harsh conditions of capture, a puritan adult female could not admit to whatever doubts well-nigh God's chivalrous will. Fifty-fifty when the Americans were close backside the Natives whom she was with, the Americans non crossing the river to follow them was viewed by Rowlandson every bit intentional and good by God'south will; 'God did not requite them backbone or activity to go over after us. Nosotros were non set for so great a mercy every bit victory and deliverance' (2009). Rowlandson would have had to assess all that she wrote closely to preclude letting whatever prohibited idea's from finding information technology'southward way into the public eye least she exist judged for it.



Rowlandson makes continual references to the bible throughout her narrative to support her actions, causing her captivity to resemble that of a religious pilgrimage. Similar writings were common at the time, specially for women who usually lacked a public voice in other forms. Rowlandson'due south references to Christianity begins even in the depiction of her capture, 'several houses were burning, and the smoke ascending to heaven' (2009). The importance of religion in her society is evidenced throughout the text so much so that it seems patent that all social judgements by her and those around her would rely upon correct biblically prescribed behaviour. She also wrote how she tried to acknowledge the Sabbath day while convict; within the 5th Remove she writes;'when the Sabbath came they bade me get to piece of work. I told them information technology was the Sabbath day, and desired them to allow me rest, and told them I would do as much more tomorrow; to which they answered me they would interruption my confront. And here I cannot just have find of the strange providence of God in preserving the heathen' (Rowlandson 2009). The Sabbath would be of peachy importance in Puritan society and acknowledging it would have immune Rowlandson greater compassion, non only from God but likewise from her own society. In being understood to have acknowledged such Christian behaviours Rowlandson would garner sympathy from those effectually her and her status in social club would be much better upheld in its freshly volatile state.

Mary Rowlandson and her daughters death

Mary Rowlandson and her daughters expiry


Rowlandson's behaviour, as written in her narrative, also reflects the office of women. The feminine part of motherhood is repeated throughout as Rowlandson meditates on her children. She is depicted as caring for her youngest, Sarah, until her expiry where upon her distress as a mother allows her to behave abnormally for her social club; 'at whatever other time I could not bear to be in the room where any expressionless person was, just now the case is changed; I must and could lie downwardly by my dead infant'(2009). She also reflects that 'I take thought since of the wonderful goodness of God to me in preserving me in the use of my reason and sense in that distressed time' (2009). That she even briefly contemplated escape, nigh likely decease, from what could be perceived God's will brings domicile her distress at the time to the reader, but her overcoming such a trial is what allows for her continued condition. This is in opposition to 'Joslin' another captured woman whom Rowlandson encounters, Joslin nonetheless succumbs to her distress and begged the 'Indians to permit her go dwelling house…and yet vexed with her importunity…they knocked her on the caput, and the kid in her arms'(Rowlandson 2009). The comparing favours Rowlandson as she overcame the trial and martyred herself to suffering God's will equally opposed to fighting His will and suffering a worse fate equally a consequence. In order to keep to survive Rowlandson began to trade, which was not a usually accepted action of Christian women at the time. However, her usual objects of merchandise were knitted and sewn goods; products which were created by women within her own society thus ensuring the maintenance of her femininity despite bartering. This ability to survive without men was opposite to common behavior and proving this strength, even if through the utilising of feminine skills, would seem to raise women's perceived abilities. This is though the just deviation she seems to make from mutual puritan views of femininity, even her descriptions of the Native women autumn to the scrutiny of puritan morals. Rowlandson is a slave of Weetamoo, a woman of high status within the Native community in her ain right; she is not reliant on the position of men to uphold her social condition. Despite this, Rowlandson 'recognizes Weetamoo'southward social condition by comparison her to a lady of the "gentry" but concurrently declines to recognize her political and military roles.' (Potter 2003:161). It is understood that Weetamoo would have had a political part which nearly likely Rowlandson had been made aware of yet she refused to accept this as such a role is solely the occupation of men in her society.



Race as a source of superiority was non fully formed in the 15th century, rather superiority lay in the belief of greater 'culture, culture, and political organization.' (Potter pg.156). Withal, Rowlandson does equate appearance and condition; "when they came well-nigh, at that place was a vast difference between the lovely Faces of Christians, and the foul looks of those Heathens" (Rowlandson, 2009). Clearly, abhorrence of the Native Americans was intrinsic to Rowlandson's belief system. Rowlandson openly places little value in Native American people and their culture, for her anything non-Christian was of lesser value as she complains of distress at having 'no Christian soul near me' (2009). Rowlandson as well repeatedly describes the Native Americans as 'heathen' equally she evaluates their behaviours in comparison to Christian ethics.This total distrust though does slightly waver inside the text and possibly would more then had Rowlandson not been trying to encounter social expectations. Some Natives were described as helping her, if only briefly. Many more than opportunities though were taken to criticise of the Natives behaviour. This is in comparison to the situation afterwards her release as, although withal in an unstable condition, all kindness shown to her is greater appreciated by Rowlandson.


Rowlandson's business relationship offers a particularly puritan, European, female perspective on the Native Americans. It is clear that, as a captor, understanding was not going to be forthcoming from Rowlandson nevertheless this has allowed for a greater observation of the cultural differences and expectations. However, this axiomatic prejudice brand the narrative unreliable in information technology's detail. Being written after the outcome and for other's to read has meant that Rowlandson has been free to modify events in her favour. The narrative though withal remains factually useful as Rowlandson frequently recounts where she and her Captors, which included Metacomet/King Phillip, were and roughly when. This has enabled historians to gain a better insight into the Native American tactics during the state of war. Primarily Rowlandson'due south narrative is able to convey a greater understanding of her club at the fourth dimension, and their social relations to and perceptions of the Native American'due south.


Potter, T. 2003. 'Writing Ethnic Femininity: Mary Rowlandson's Narrative of Captivity'. Eighteenth-Century Studies. 36 (2): 153-167

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Read More From Owlcation

Rowlandson, G. 1682. Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson.

Scarbrough, Due east. 2011. Mary Rowlandson: The Captive Voice. Undergraduate Review. 7:121-125.
Bachelor at:
[accessed 5 May 2012]

Toulouse, T. 1992. '"My Own Credit": Strategies of (Due east)Valuation in Mary Rowlandson'due south Captivity Narrative'. American Literature. 64 (iv): 655-676

rich on September 12, 2019:

my dumbs instructor isn't even going to ask the important questions

yesenia on May 02, 2018:

how did her daughter die?

Kera on June 01, 2013:

Pay close attention to Rowlandson's descriptions of Indians, both men and women. How does she view Indians in general, and how does she differentiate between Indian men and women? How does she view the relations and power balances betwixt the sexes amid Native American men and women?

Jade Gracie (author) from United Kingdom on June 29, 2012:

Rowlandson did seem to write in a way that seemed to lighten to suffering in my stance. Surely the ordeal of being captured must have been terrifying and I observe it quite difficult to experience that. I think peradventure information technology was the mode of writing that was quite bourgeois. Cheers for the comment XD

Tammy from North Carolina on June 22, 2012:

A great wait into one of the cannon readings of Early American Literature. Some of these narritives were hard to read. Rowlandson wrote such a compelling tale and it was such a great feat for her to distance herself so far from her writing. Great hub!


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